Bush food & native plants
Learning about the history, uses and flavours of these plants

Our garden is a significant area for First Nations people, overlooking a former wetland.
Due to the harsh Australian environment and associated stress, plants need to protect themselves. Accordingly, many have much higher nutritional value than those found in European diets.
We've been exploring bush food plants that will grow and produce in our climate, in consultation with Gunditjmara Co-op and also some bush food professional growers.
This area is dedicated to learning about indigenous plants, their uses and how we can add them to our diets.
First Nations recognition
We pay our deepest respects to all First Nations people for the care they have taken of this land over 60,000 years.
Our site is on the lands of the Peek Whurrong and we have worked closely with local Indigenous Elder Rob Lowe Snr and others for many years to educate our community on the deep history of our site, and the significance of the area.
The recognition seat was designed using local basalt and red gum. in 2024, Rob Lowe Snr refinished the seat to reflect the events that occurred in this area.
This is a space for quiet contemplation and reflection and was a finalist in the HART Awards in 2017.
Bush Harvest
More people are showing an interest in understanding the value of bush foods for healthy diets and general wellbeing.
We've worked together with the original custodians of our region, the Gunditjmara and Keerray Woorroong people of the Maar Nation, with the support of the Isobel and David Jones Family Foundation and Warrnambool City Council to create this resource to help identify local plants and how they can be used.
Download your free copy
Bush Harvest - Your guide to indigenous food plants
Click cover to download

Bush food and native area
First Nations peoples were constantly using what was seasonal available. Now we can learn from them. Our emphasis on native plants is focused on local species first, then natives more broadly.
We focus on maintenance and development of the bush food areas and stands of native vegetation on site, with mutual learning and sometimes action research through doing in a friendly and supportive environment.
Native tuber plantings
Our focus has expanded to trials of bigger plantings of things like murnong which were once staples of First Nations agriculture.
The introduction of sheep to land made the yam daisy virtually extinct. The animals ate them and trod down on the grasslands, making it hard for them to grow back through the compacted soil.
The species we have on site is Microseris scapigera but there are other types which get grouped under the same common name of murnong like Microseris lanceolata and Microseris walteri.
VicFlora has plenty of information about this plant and its original distribution.

Julie Eagles
“It is a great honour for us to have this seat, to sit and reflect in the beautiful garden.”
Rob Lowe Senior
“When you sit on it, you get a real spiritual feel because you know what went on behind you.”
Brett Clarke
"The old people lived a sustainable lifestyle. They had spiritual connection to their environment with a good source of nutritious plant foods"